Thursday, December 31, 2009
Rush Limbaugh 'good, stable' after chest pains
Washington Times eliminates sports section
The Washington Times will slash newsroom staff by more than 40 per cent and eliminate its sports section as it revamps to focus on politics, business and investigative reporting. The newspaper's Thursday edition announced the layoffs and said the last sports section would appear Friday. Among those let go was the newsroom leader, Managing Editor David Jones. A new print edition will be launched Monday. The newspaper announced several management changes, though it is not clear who will oversee the newsroom operation. The paper was founded in 1982 by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, leader of the Unification Church.
The paper also thrashed its entire photo department.
The paper also thrashed its entire photo department.
Two French journalists kidnapped in Afghanistan
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Calgary Herald reporter Michelle Lang, four soldiers killed in Afghanistan
Car crashes into CBC Vancouver studios after attempted carjacking
Four people are in hospital with non-life-threatening injuries following an attempted carjacking Tuesday morning that ended with a black BMW crashing into CBC's downtown studio. Police Const. Anne Longley said the incident began around 10:35 a.m. when a pedestrian jumped on to the hood of the BMW, stopped at the intersection of Cambie and Georgia streets. When the driver got out of the car to seek help, the suspect jumped behind the wheel and sped off backwards, hitting three vehicles before crashing into the window of the CBC building. None of the injured are from the CBC.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
David Levine, biting caricaturist, dies at 83
To read the full New York Times obituary click on the title.
Ratings remain steady for Diane Sawyer’s evening start
Journalists' group condemns NBC for bringing NJ man, son home from Brazil on jet
Monday, December 28, 2009
2010 predictions: Another turbulent year ahead for media
If there was still any debate in the media world over which is king -- content or distribution -- it was settled in 2009.
Between cable giant Comcast Corp.'s $30-billion deal to take control of NBC Universal and Walt Disney Co.'s surprise $4-billion purchase of comic book publisher and Spider-Man home Marvel Entertainment Inc., it became abundantly clear that it's more valuable to own what goes on the screen than the screen itself. Even a back-of-the-pack cable network like the Travel Channel sold for almost $1 billion, and Nickelodeon shelled out more than $50 million for rights to four old Ninja Turtles characters.
Content owners may be king, but it won't be worth much if these media titans can't figure out how to make money from all the new platforms overwhelming the landscape. There is a general consensus that putting content on the Internet for free -- d'oh! -- may not have been the brightest idea. Much of next year will be spent experimenting with business models.
Between cable giant Comcast Corp.'s $30-billion deal to take control of NBC Universal and Walt Disney Co.'s surprise $4-billion purchase of comic book publisher and Spider-Man home Marvel Entertainment Inc., it became abundantly clear that it's more valuable to own what goes on the screen than the screen itself. Even a back-of-the-pack cable network like the Travel Channel sold for almost $1 billion, and Nickelodeon shelled out more than $50 million for rights to four old Ninja Turtles characters.
Content owners may be king, but it won't be worth much if these media titans can't figure out how to make money from all the new platforms overwhelming the landscape. There is a general consensus that putting content on the Internet for free -- d'oh! -- may not have been the brightest idea. Much of next year will be spent experimenting with business models.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
H1N1 flu virus voted top news story of 2009 in Canadian Press survey
An influenza virus that scientists believe migrated from pigs to people before touching off a global pandemic was the runaway selection for the top Canadian news story of 2009. The H1N1 virus was chosen by 70 per cent of the newspaper editors and broadcast news directors in the annual year-end survey of newsrooms conducted by The Canadian Press.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Sci-fi author resigns from guild; says it made a deal with the devil in Google deal
Award-winning science-fiction author Ursula K. Le Guin has resigned from the U.S. Authors Guild after accusing the organization of dealing with the devil in a settlement with Google over its plan to digitize books.
Ryerson University seeking Chair of Journalism
From the ad on Jeff Gaulin's journalism job board:
"The School is seeking an experienced professional and educator with a strong sense of journalism’s public purpose and value, a vision of excellence in journalistic practice and education, and the ability to articulate these to the student population, the university community, the industry and the public. S/he must understand the rapidly changing world of journalism, and lead the School’s response to it. The successful candidate will have teaching experience, a relevant graduate degree, and outstanding professional and management qualifications. The Chair must have enthusiasm for students and an appreciation of the importance of Ryerson's integration of practice and theory in university education."
Click on the title to link to the full ad.
"The School is seeking an experienced professional and educator with a strong sense of journalism’s public purpose and value, a vision of excellence in journalistic practice and education, and the ability to articulate these to the student population, the university community, the industry and the public. S/he must understand the rapidly changing world of journalism, and lead the School’s response to it. The successful candidate will have teaching experience, a relevant graduate degree, and outstanding professional and management qualifications. The Chair must have enthusiasm for students and an appreciation of the importance of Ryerson's integration of practice and theory in university education."
Click on the title to link to the full ad.
Reporters attacked in crackdown by Iran militia
The opposition Jaras website claimed security forces had attacked a building housing Isna, an Iranian news agency, where it said some demonstrators had sought shelter during the clashes. An eyewitness said at least two people were injured when police chased after protesters into the building.
“They fractured the skull of one Isna person and badly beat up another employee,” the witness said. Isna’s news service appeared to be working normally and it later issued a report on the incident, saying one of its reporters had been injured without specifying who was to blame.
“They fractured the skull of one Isna person and badly beat up another employee,” the witness said. Isna’s news service appeared to be working normally and it later issued a report on the incident, saying one of its reporters had been injured without specifying who was to blame.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Reinventing the Newspaper
Interesting feature story from The Korea Times:
"It's time for the print media to change. Many business sectors reinvent their wheels to survive in a constantly changing environment. Media organizations are not an exception. They are also forced to review their business models in a very serious way. In the past, for example, the primary information delivery platform was newspapers. Then, information moved on to the Internet. Now, it's available on mobile devices, even as moving pictures and customized video."
Click on the title to read the full story.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Ryerson University advertising for Chair of the School of Radio and TV Arts
From the ad in Playback:
"The successful candidate understands the necessary balance between university sector education and scholarly, research and creative activities (SRC). She/he will provide inspirational leadership, and demonstrate a capacity to plan, organize and undertake academic administration in a unionized environment. An accomplished team builder, she/he will marshal financial and human resources to create an atmosphere of collegial consensus in which student learning and faculty creative and scholarly endeavours will flourish. The Chair will use his/her broad knowledge of domestic and international trends in media and broadcasting to guide the School through an era of rapid technological change."
Click on the title to read the entire advertisement,
"The successful candidate understands the necessary balance between university sector education and scholarly, research and creative activities (SRC). She/he will provide inspirational leadership, and demonstrate a capacity to plan, organize and undertake academic administration in a unionized environment. An accomplished team builder, she/he will marshal financial and human resources to create an atmosphere of collegial consensus in which student learning and faculty creative and scholarly endeavours will flourish. The Chair will use his/her broad knowledge of domestic and international trends in media and broadcasting to guide the School through an era of rapid technological change."
Click on the title to read the entire advertisement,
Sportscaster George Michael dies at 70; was mainstay of D.C. sports TV scene
George Michael, a mainstay on the Washington, D.C., sports television scene for decades who reached a national audience with "The George Michael Sports Machine" highlights show, has died. He was 70.
"Let's Abolish the Term Citizen Journalist"
Editor of "Digital Journalist" online magazine calls for abolishing term "citizen journalist;" setting off heated debate
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Meteoric Youtube the social media story of decade
Didn't even exist for first five years of the decade. Mashable
Toronto Star take on SCC revision of libel rules
The new defence does not go as far as the U.S. model, which requires a public figure plaintiff to show "actual malice" on the part of a reporter. The Supreme Court of Canada said in that contest between free expression and reputation protection, "free expression decisively won the day."
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Rules relating to libel and defamation re-written
Globe and Mail reporting on SCC decision which seems to place the key to defense on the quality of "diligence" exercised by media in checking the truth of its statements. Time will tell how courts decide the question but editors like the Globe's John Stackhouse said "the heavier blinds of Canadian libel law have been pulled back.” Interesting reading. TPG
Monday, December 21, 2009
Citadel Broadcasting sees bankruptcy exit in 2010
Citadel, which broadcasts the Don Imus "Imus in the Morning" show with ABC Radio Networks, filed for bankruptcy protection on Sunday, hurt by $2.08 billion in debt and adecline in advertising by auto, banking and restaurant companies Reuters
Washington Times to publish last Sunday paper
The newspaper made the announcement Monday, saying it will produce Monday through Friday editions that focus on its "distinctive news and opinion content."
Diane Sawyer begins at ABC's `World News'
Diane Sawyer follows quickly on the heels of Charles Gibson's retirement to launch a new era as anchor of ABC News' flagship evening newscast on Monday.
Women now hold two of the three top jobs on what have always been considered the most prestigious newscasts on broadcast TV. Three years ago, CBS' Katie Couric became the first woman to hold the job by herself. AP
Women now hold two of the three top jobs on what have always been considered the most prestigious newscasts on broadcast TV. Three years ago, CBS' Katie Couric became the first woman to hold the job by herself. AP
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A Reader’s Digest That Grandma Never Dreamed Of
New York Times take out on challenges of the Reader's Digest. Entertaining picture of Digest's founders, Lila and DeWitt Wallace, taken way back when.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Enquirer quashed Woods story 2 years ago: WSJ
Tiger Woods cut a deal with the National Enquirer to hide evidence of an extramarital affair in 2007, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal.
CEP demands charges against Olympic security
RELEASE -- The head of a union representing journalists in Ontario is demanding criminal charges against security officers involved in crowd control for the Olympic torch run after two journalists were assaulted in Newmarket today. The two journalists, both photographers for the Toronto Sun, were attempting to take pictures of Olympic torch bearers as they made their way along Davis Drive in Newmarket shortly after noon. Photographer Dave Thomas was repeatedly shoved as he tried to take pictures but was not injured. But photographer Ian Robertson, who is about 60 years old and was laden with camera gear so he was unable to defend himself, required hospital treatment for an apparent head injury after he was shoved to the ground by security officers wearing the grey Olympic uniforms.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
BBC gives qualified apology for "killing gays" debate
Regarding Ugandan proposed legislation. BBC adding that the program was a legitimate attempt to encourage discussion about a crucial African issue.
Sony's Stringer says e-reader to stay a book device

Bandaged Berlusconi leaves hospital
Bell can claim to be "the best" and "most powerful”
The injunction allows Bell to continue advertising that it has the “largest and fastest” as well as the “best and most powerful” network in the country. Globe and Mail.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Bell told to scrap 'most reliable' ads
Following Rogers Communications complaint, B.C. judge rules claim about wireless network is false and misleading.
'E&P' To Publish January Issue -- Hope Remains?

3 Journalists Kidnapped In Afghanistan Are Set Free
Three journalists for Britain’s Guardian newspaper were released unharmed on Wednesday after being kidnapped last week by an armed gang in a rugged and remote part of eastern Afghanistan, the newspaper said. The journalists, Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, who is Iraqi, and two Afghan colleagues had spent six days in cold and snowy conditions surviving on soup, tea and bread, the newspaper reported. It credited efforts by representatives and intermediaries in Afghanistan but did not release details, including the names of the two Afghans, to “avoid compromising the security of those involved, particularly those remaining in Afghanistan.”
TVA helicopter down; two injured
A helicopter carrying a TVA journalist made an emergency landing Wednesday morning near the studios of Mel's Cité du Cinéma, off the Bonaventure Expressway in Montreal. The pilot and the journalist,Réjean Léveillé, were injured. The helicopter crashed about 7:45 a.m. alongside the highway, about 600 metres short of a helipad behind Mel's studios. The pilot, Antoine Léger, was able to get out of the downed helicopter on his own. He was taken to a hospital for treatment. Léveillé was initially trapped in the chopper.
Judge rules in favour of Canwest in spat over specialty TV with Goldman Sachs
Tony Parsons leaving Global News Vancouver for newly-independent CHEK
He is said to be going to CHEK in Victoria that was recently bought by its employees.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
US moves to ban 'excessively noisy' TV advertisements
The US House of Representatives has approved a bill which aims to limit the volume of television advertisements. The Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act (CALM) was approved by a voice vote in the house. Democrat Anna Eshoo, who filed the motion, said most Americans were willing to tolerate adverts but were annoyed by sudden volume increases.
Publishers Weekly apologizes for cover
Publishers Weekly has kicked up some dust this week with this cover photo illustrating a story on the African-American publishing world. On Twitter, comments have ranged from "wonderful" to "offensive," with some saying: "Publishers Weekly has lost its mind." Today, the editor in charge of the cover design, which includes the line, "Afro Picks! New Books and Trends in African-American Publishing," apologized
Click on the title to view the cover and read the entire story.
Click on the title to view the cover and read the entire story.
Miami Herald asks online readers to consider 'voluntary payment'
The Miami Herald is asking readers of its website to voluntarily pay for the privilege, a new wrinkle in newspapers' ongoing battle to increase revenue from their online operations. A link at the bottom of online stories directed readers to a separate page that accepts credit card information. A short message thanks them for making the site "South Florida's most-read news destination on the web," and asks them to support the content.
Union supports move to refuse accreditation to "replacement workers" in Quebec Assembly (release)
The Montreal Newspaper Guild takes issue with and dissociates itself from a self-serving editorial in The Gazette Dec. 10 that called for the granting of accreditation to two Journal de Québec reporters to the National Assembly press gallery in Quebec City. . . . The gallery clearly views the move by Quebecor Inc, which publishes the Journal de Québec, is designed to enable these reporters to act as replacement workers for the Journal de Montréal reporters who have been locked out by the same employer, along with 253 unionized workers, for almost a year.
Monday, December 14, 2009
"Yes Men" take credit for hoax climate news release
Well-known prankster group the Yes Men took credit for a sophisticated hoax that made it appear the Canadian delegation had publicly committed to bold emission reduction targets and tens of billions in new aid to help African nations.
"The idea was to confuse the Canadian government, which set up a war room to positively spin their position in the debate even though everyone here knows that their position is a cruel joke," Yes Men member Mike Bonanno told the Associated Press.
"The idea was to confuse the Canadian government, which set up a war room to positively spin their position in the debate even though everyone here knows that their position is a cruel joke," Yes Men member Mike Bonanno told the Associated Press.
China blocks broadcasts of Hong Kong cable network whose shows addressed political reform
China has blocked broadcasts of a Hong Kong cable network whose talk show guests spoke openly of political reform, reinforcing Beijing's grip over media content considered politically sensitive. Sun TV's broadcasts stopped airing in mainland China from Dec. 5 or sooner, though were still available in Hong Kong, Macau and other countries.
Italy politics: Sex, thighs and 'Videocracy'
Take a sex scandal dogging Silvio Berlusconi, add plenty of scantily clad young women on Italian TV and throw in some of the first serious scrutiny of a national culture where television lies at the nexus of power and politics. The result is sex, thighs and "Videocracy" — a documentary that takes a harsh look at a system perfected through Berlusconi's TV empire, in which sexy women become a symbol and instrument of power.
Click on the title to read the full story.
Click on the title to read the full story.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Gord Grant, legendary CP journalist, dies at age 73
Gordon Grant, who died early Saturday in an Ottawa hospital at the age of 73, was a brash, boisterous journalist and editor who spent 27 years at The Canadian Press and helped nurture a generation of reporters.
'Editor & Publisher' to cease publication after 125 years

To read the full story in E&P click on the title.
Mansbridge wins award for Arctic journalism
Friday, December 11, 2009
Cable freedom is a click away!
e5 Global Media buys The Hollywood Reporter
NY's Newsday names new editor-in-chief
The Long Island newspaper announced that Debby Krenek will succeed John Mancini, who resigned Friday after five years. Krenek is the former editor of the New York Daily News. She joined Newsday in 2001 and was promoted to managing editor in 2004. Newsday is the 11th-largest newspaper in the U.S.; its average daily circulation was 357,124 as of October.
Google starts service it says will help newspapers
Google is teaming up with The New York Times and The Washington Post in what it says is an attempt to help out the ailing newspaper industry. The new project, called "Living Stories", debuted in the experimental "labs" section on Google's website. The service is supposed to make it easier for readers to follow evolving news stories. It will package stories from both the Times and the Post so the coverage can be more easily updated to include new developments. Some of the initial topics featured on the service included health care reform, executive pay and the Washington Redskins football team.
Google isn't paying the newspapers to feature the content, and there aren't any immediate plans to sell advertising alongside the material, said Josh Cohen, a Google product manager overseeing the project
Google isn't paying the newspapers to feature the content, and there aren't any immediate plans to sell advertising alongside the material, said Josh Cohen, a Google product manager overseeing the project
Clement overules CRTC; allows Globalive into telecom market
"It is a Canadian company that meets Canadian ownership and control requirements," Mr. Clement said in a press conference Friday morning.
The much-anticipated announcement comes six weeks after the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission denied Globalive's bid to be the country's fourth-biggest wireless operator.
(Sign of other things to come? -- PG)
The much-anticipated announcement comes six weeks after the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission denied Globalive's bid to be the country's fourth-biggest wireless operator.
(Sign of other things to come? -- PG)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Cable campaign falls silent during CRTC hearings
Coincidental or not, the repetitious messages urging Canadians to "Stop the TV Tax" have ceased with the beginning of the CRTC hearings on the subject. In fact, the CRTC chair complained about the fevered campaigning by both sides as the hearings opened. The messages, which have run many times a day for months on U.S. cable channels carried by the cable companies, feature an actor, posing as a man-on-the-street reporter. He earnestly tells of a "$10 tax" and questions ordinary people, presumably also actors, about the tax. "Unbelievable" and "kind of greedy" are among the scripted responses he gets. His closing exhortation of "Come on Canada, enough is enough" has caused more than one cable viewer, as it apparently did the CRTC chair, to conclude that it is, indeed, more than enough. TPG
Television Broadcasters Deliver "Consumer First" Solution
RELEASE -- In a historic joint presentation before the CRTC today, CEOs from CTV, Global and CBC appeared together for the first time and delivered a consumer-first solution that provides affordable, accessible, and sustainable TV services for all Canadians.
Citizen journalism gaining steam
It took Mike Boon a few years of blogging until he finally beat the mainstream media to a story, an especially big accomplishment considering he lives in Toronto, with its hyper-competitive media market and four newspapers fighting for scoops. CP
Peter C. Newman visiting professor at Ryerson

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
CBS Cancels As the World Turns
Procter & Gamble, the company that invented the soap opera and gave the genre its name, is no longer in the soap opera business. New York Times
Falsely described in Wikipedia, actor sues
Ron Livingston, the actor who starred in the 1999 cult comedy Office Space, is suing an anonymous Wikipedia editor for writing that he is a homosexual. Toronto Star
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
PMO videos spark debate says CP
The photos, and now the videos, have sparked a debate over media access and when the use of government-produced and approved images may be appropriate in an independent news media. CP
Fight over specialty assets may hurt CW restructuring
A battle between Canwest Global Communications Corp. and its investment partner Goldman Sachs grew a little more tense on Tuesday when a Canwest lawyer suggested the fight over its specialty television assets could hinder the restructuring of the entire company. CP
Bryant Gumbel reveals his lung cancer on Regis
Bryant Gumbel is being treated for a malignant tumor, the former Former Today show anchor revealed on Live! With Regis & Kelly Tuesday morning. People with video of Gumbel from the program.
Cuomo out at GMA, JuJu Chang will succeed him

CRTC tells cable, satellite execs to tone down rhetoric
CRTC asks again for end to the school yard fight. Meanwhile, Bell Canada release indicates that consumers don't want a "TV tax". (No, really?) In fact, they might agree to anything to stop that bullying "Come On Canada, enough is enough" guy.
U.S. law gives Conrad Black his last day in court
Toronto Star says he is "part of coalition challenging state's interpretation of little understood honest-services fraud statute." Happens in SCOTUS today.
Coffee house owner helped get Amanda released
"Neither Going, the owner of the Good Earth Cafe chain, nor Allan, of RSM Richter, had any experience with kidnappers in foreign lands before this.
But each has extensive business contacts with deep pockets and big hearts, so they mined them for quick cash when they took up the cause last October." Calgary Journal
But each has extensive business contacts with deep pockets and big hearts, so they mined them for quick cash when they took up the cause last October." Calgary Journal
Google launches ‘real time' search
"Where are you now?" "I'm in the kitchen. How about you?" Who knew Google, the company that searched, mapped and news-indexed the world, would come to this.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Tom Brokaw escapes injury in highway accident
Tom Brokaw and his wife survived a fatal three car accident on a busy New York City highway. While avoiding a spool of wire, a woman lost control of her vehicle and hit a mail truck in the left lane. She got herself killed in the process and injured the mail truck driver. According to Brokaw the woman driving a green SUV apparently lost control while trying to avoid a spool of cable. The mail truck was forced into the left lane leaving no option for Brokaw, but to apply brakes very hard. This made his car skidded along the median. When the mail truck catapulted the median the Brokaw vehicle slid into it. Neither Tom nor his wife Meredith were injured.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Rogers loses bid to overturn "most reliable" injunction
Future seems friendly for Telus as it bests Rogers in BC court skirmish. All about its effort to stop Rogers saying it has the most reliable wireless network.
Toronto Star
Toronto Star
Web-TV Divide Is Back in Focus With NBC Sale
Thoughtful piece on the dilemma of those who stream TV shows to the web for expossure, while trying to somehow protect broadcast ad revenues. New York Times
Bloomberg Ceases Publication of SmallBiz
RELEASE -- Bloomberg BusinessWeek announced today that it will cease publishing BusinessWeek SmallBiz and integrate the coverage into the Web site and magazine. The final issue of the bimonthly, controlled circulation publication is the December 2009/January 2010 issue.
"Headline a shocker" -- anyone know why?
Any reporter has to wonder how it happened. The doom of yesterday is replaced this morning with the joy of jobs created in Canada. But no one, it seems, saw nearly 65,000 new jobs coming. Time to ask a question or two about how come. Reuters story. The Planet Guys.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Veteran Ottawa anchor Max Keeping steps down after 51 years in journalism
Comcast Gets NBC from G.E. in deal that reshapes TV
After nearly nine months of negotiations, Comcast, the largest cable operator in the United States, reached an agreement on Thursday to acquire NBC Universal from the General Electric Company. The deal valued NBC Universal at about $30 billion.
The agreement will create a joint venture, with Comcast owning 51 percent and G.E. owning 49 percent. Comcast will contribute to the joint venture its stable of cable channels, which includes Versus, the Golf Channel and E Entertainment, worth about $7.25 billion, and will pay G.E. about $6.5 billion in cash, for a total of $13.75 billion. For now, the network will remain NBC Universal, but ultimately Comcast could decide to change the name.
Almost immediately, the transaction reshapes the U.S. entertainment industry, giving a cable provider a huge portfolio of new content.
CanWest books among the best read on Bay Street
More than 90 groups - from private equity funds to rivals - have expressed interest in combing through CanWest's books as the company and its financial advisers at RBC Dominion Securities Inc. seek up to $65-million in new funding. Of those, about 20 parties have gone a step further, signing the stringent non-disclosure agreement needed to actually look under the hood at CanWest's television properties to see if the company's flagship operation, Global Television, is worth investing in. They include the Jim Pattison Group of Vancouver and former Alliance Atlantis Communications Inc. executive chairman Michael MacMillan.
Click on the headline for the full story.
Money to be made in newspapers: Globe analyst
"To further the point: The classified sections of newspapers are thinning out before your eyes. Ten years ago they were chock-a-block and churned out profits.
"Now all those ads are on Craigslist and Kijiji. They're stimulating demand by charging nothing for the ads unless you upgrade to a premium listing. But they also sell display ads because they have the eyeballs. They might not be able to charge top dollar but they're not burdened with expensive unionized work forces.
"Why didn't newspapers create sites like these?" Fabrice Taylor.
For the full story click on the headline.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Pulitzer board eases eligibility for online-only entries (release)
The eligibility rules for the Pulitzer Prizes in journalism have been revised, opening the door wider to entries from text-based online-only newspapers and news sites, the Pulitzer Prize Board announced today. A year ago, the Board broadened the competition to include many United States news outlets that publish only on the Internet at least weekly, but it required that all entered material - whether online or in print - had to come from entities "primarily dedicated to original news reporting and coverage of ongoing events." The Pulitzer Board decided to eliminate that entry requirement at its November meeting at Columbia University.
The eligibility rules for the Pulitzer Prizes in journalism have been revised, opening the door wider to entries from text-based online-only newspapers and news sites, the Pulitzer Prize Board announced today. A year ago, the Board broadened the competition to include many United States news outlets that publish only on the Internet at least weekly, but it required that all entered material - whether online or in print - had to come from entities "primarily dedicated to original news reporting and coverage of ongoing events." The Pulitzer Board decided to eliminate that entry requirement at its November meeting at Columbia University.
Newfoundland Capital gets CRTC approval to sell Thunder Bay radio stations
Newfoundland Capital Corp., one of Canada's leading radio broadcasters with 81 licences across the country, said Wednesday it has received approval from the CRTC to sell two FM radio stations in Thunder Bay, Ont., to Acadia Broadcasting. The company announced the sale of the stations CKTG-FM The Giant 105.3 and CJUK-FM Magic 99.9 for $4.5 million plus working capital in July. Acadia Broadcasting is a community focused radio broadcaster with 10 licences in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Ontario. It owns radio stations in the Ontario cities of Fort Frances, Kenora and Dryden.
Part of Toronto's Jarvis Street renamed Ted Rogers Way
The one-year anniversary of the death of Canadian media magnate Ted Rogers was marked with a special tribute in Toronto on Wednesday. The telecommunications pioneer passed away at the age of 75 and his life and achievements were commemorated by the city with a stretch of Jarvis Street, between Bloor and Charles, being renamed Ted Rogers Way.
Google to set limits for free web news
Web users who click on more than five articles a day from the same internet source will be directed to payment or registration pages. The new system will run using First Click Free, a programme that allows publishers to promote their content and users to see if they like the news source prior to paying a subscription fee for it. Publishers will now have more control over who is viewing their sites and the move comes after a number of companies have claimed that Google is profiting from their content.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Now Rogers sues Bell Mobility
Rogers Communications Inc. says it has filed a suit in the British Columbia Supreme Court against BCE Inc.'s Bell Mobility for claims Bell is making in a new ad campaign that boasts its new high-speed service runs on “the largest, fastest, and most reliable network.” A suit by Telus Corp. led to a B.C. Supreme Court judge ordering Rogers to remove its own claims of running “the most reliable network.” An appeal is scheduled for Wednesday, but Rogers has already begun to remove the claims from its marketing.
Canada's wireless field has become hotly competitive after Telus and Bell together last month launched a high-speed voice and data network that is capable of running devices like the iPhone, which until recently was offered only by Rogers. Directly echoing the Telus suit it lost, Rogers is accusing Bell of “false or misleading” advertising with the campaign for its new network.
FP analysis of Chatelaine editorial shuffle
"[ Chatelaine] is an important business for Rogers and has been a powerhouse for most of the decade. But there is a lot of restructuring going on in other parts of the [publishing] business and its wireless division is huge relative to publishing. It takes three days of Rogers' wireless billing to generate the annual revenue of Chatelaine, approximately. That puts it in perspective."
Click on the title to read full story
Dow Jones CEO: Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts
At the World Newspaper Congress in Hyderabad, India,Dow Jones CEO Les Hinton came out swinging against the world in general, as is the wont of every News Corp exec these days. More specifically, against “geeks bearing gifts”, “false gospel of the Web” and “out & out theives on the Internet.” It is a familiar cry, one spitted out by the overlord and repeated in slightly more eloquent and dulcet tones by the underlings, including Hinton.
Click on the title for the full story and his speech.
Click on the title for the full story and his speech.
US government discusses the future of journalism
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is holding a two-day workshop to explore how the internet has affected journalism. But this is not just another workshop. "How will journalism survive in the internet age?" brings together some of the most important figures in actual journalism, among them Rupert Murdoch, Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post and the Guardian columnist Jeff Jarvis.
"The answer is not to save newspapers. The goal should be to assure the continuation of journalism."
"The answer is not to save newspapers. The goal should be to assure the continuation of journalism."
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Blog Archive
- Rush Limbaugh 'good, stable' after chest pains
- Washington Times eliminates sports section
- Two French journalists kidnapped in Afghanistan
- Calgary Herald reporter Michelle Lang, four soldie...
- Car crashes into CBC Vancouver studios after attem...
- David Levine, biting caricaturist, dies at 83
- Ratings remain steady for Diane Sawyer’s evening s...
- Journalists' group condemns NBC for bringing NJ ma...
- 2010 predictions: Another turbulent year ahead for...
- H1N1 flu virus voted top news story of 2009 in Can...
- Sci-fi author resigns from guild; says it made a d...
- Ryerson University seeking Chair of Journalism
- Reporters attacked in crackdown by Iran militia
- Reinventing the Newspaper
- Ryerson University advertising for Chair of the Sc...
- Sportscaster George Michael dies at 70; was mainst...
- "Let's Abolish the Term Citizen Journalist"
- Meteoric Youtube the social media story of decade
- Toronto Star take on SCC revision of libel rules
- Ecuador shuts station for 72 hours
- Rules relating to libel and defamation re-written
- CTV counts out top news
- Citadel Broadcasting sees bankruptcy exit in 2010
- Washington Times to publish last Sunday paper
- Diane Sawyer begins at ABC's `World News'
- Sheila Shotton was producer and interviewer for CBC
- A Reader’s Digest That Grandma Never Dreamed Of
- Two sides of the "Local TV" soap opera
- The art of the timely review
- Enquirer quashed Woods story 2 years ago: WSJ
- CEP demands charges against Olympic security
- Time Warner Cable may drop Fox TV shows
- U.S. university finds "racist body language" on TV
- The future of the magazine
- BBC gives qualified apology for "killing gays" debate
- Sony's Stringer says e-reader to stay a book device
- CBS TV chief Nancy Tellem moves to strategic role
- Freed Lindhout thanks supporters in 1st statement
- Bandaged Berlusconi leaves hospital
- Reporter pinned in chopper crash
- Bell can claim to be "the best" and "most powerful”
- 3 journalists for Guardian released
- Bell told to scrap 'most reliable' ads
- 'E&P' To Publish January Issue -- Hope Remains?
- 3 Journalists Kidnapped In Afghanistan Are Set Free
- TVA helicopter down; two injured
- Judge rules in favour of Canwest in spat over spec...
- Tony Parsons leaving Global News Vancouver for new...
- US moves to ban 'excessively noisy' TV advertisements
- Publishers Weekly apologizes for cover
- Miami Herald asks online readers to consider 'vol...
- Union supports move to refuse accreditation to "re...
- "Yes Men" take credit for hoax climate news release
- China blocks broadcasts of Hong Kong cable network...
- Italy politics: Sex, thighs and 'Videocracy'
- Gord Grant, legendary CP journalist, dies at age 73
- 'Editor & Publisher' to cease publication after 12...
- Mansbridge wins award for Arctic journalism
- Diane Sawyer makes teary farewell on ABC's 'Good M...
- Cable freedom is a click away!
- e5 Global Media buys The Hollywood Reporter
- NY's Newsday names new editor-in-chief
- Google starts service it says will help newspapers
- Clement overules CRTC; allows Globalive into telec...
- Cable campaign falls silent during CRTC hearings
- Cable and Satellite Bring Subscribers to CRTC Hear...
- Television Broadcasters Deliver "Consumer First" S...
- Citizen journalism gaining steam
- Peter C. Newman visiting professor at Ryerson
- Toronto Star says 166 employees take buyouts
- Cable, satellite revenue still rising: StatsCan
- CBS Cancels As the World Turns
- Falsely described in Wikipedia, actor sues
- PMO videos spark debate says CP
- Fight over specialty assets may hurt CW restructuring
- Bryant Gumbel reveals his lung cancer on Regis
- Cuomo out at GMA, JuJu Chang will succeed him
- CRTC tells cable, satellite execs to tone down rhe...
- Black’s fraud conviction questioned by top court
- U.S. law gives Conrad Black his last day in court
- Coffee house owner helped get Amanda released
- Google launches ‘real time' search
- Marty Goodman's son on newspapers' future
- Queen issues warning over paparazzi photos
- Tom Brokaw escapes injury in highway accident
- Rogers loses bid to overturn "most reliable" injun...
- Web-TV Divide Is Back in Focus With NBC Sale
- Bloomberg Ceases Publication of SmallBiz
- Erin Andrews case sparks searches at Yahoo, Google
- ABC offers Stephanopoulos 'GMA' job
- Knives come out in Amanda Lindhout debate
- "Headline a shocker" -- anyone know why?
- Veteran Ottawa anchor Max Keeping steps down after...
- Max Keeping to retire in March
- Comcast Gets NBC from G.E. in deal that reshapes TV
- CanWest books among the best read on Bay Street
- Money to be made in newspapers: Globe analyst
- Pulitzer board eases eligibility for online-only e...
- Newfoundland Capital gets CRTC approval to sell Th...
- Part of Toronto's Jarvis Street renamed Ted Rogers...