Interesting story from the Guardian paints a panoramic picture of trouble at the many Murdoch media interests. Could be. These properties court controversy. But the opening gambit featuring Prince al-Waleed bin Talal is weak. The writers frankly are guessing what he thinks. And while the Prince may be furious with Murdoch, there's nothing in the story to support that conclusion. Of course, the Guardian doesn't like Murdoch, and no doubt the reverse is true.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
SCOC upholds restrictions on media in court
Most by now will be familiar with the decision of the Supreme Court to deny wide-open access to the courts by the media and particularly videographers. Media reaction has not been favorable and focuses typically on occasions when judges appear to have lost their reason by closing courts and banning reporting. On the other hand, the media must be wise enough to understand that unfettered video in court raises enormous questions about the integrity of evidence. Like it or not, it is the judge who must decide whether every single thing said in court is to be made public.
Bookseller Borders to default on rent
A release from Borders Group says the bookseller will delay payments to vendors, landlords and others that are payable at the end of January. Borders says the delay is intended to help the company maintain liquidity while it seeks to complete a refinancing or restructuring of its existing credit facilities and other obligations. Borders has received a conditional commitment from GE Capital, Restructuring Finance for a $550 million senior secured credit facility.
Without Internet, Egyptians find new ways to get online
"When countries block, we evolve," an activist with the group We Rebuild wrote in a Twitter message Friday. That's just what many Egyptians have been doing this week, as groups like We Rebuild scramble to keep the country connected to the outside world, turning to landline telephones, fax machines and even ham radio to keep information flowing in and out of the country. Computer World
Radio: Where politicians go to die
Ted Woloshyn with some thoughts on how 1010 is not unlike a retirement lodge. Toronto Sun. TPG post on just this subject
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Toronto man buys Marylin Monroe name

Friday, January 28, 2011
How Egypt pulled its Internet plug
Interesting explanation of the simple actions by which Egypt cut itself off from the Internet world. From Computerworld
CRTC yanks licence of Ryerson’s CKLN radio
Rather curious story of how student station had, among other problems, "limited involvement from Ryerson’s student body" according to the attached Globe and Mail story. Otherwise, a news person's cynical view will find the shenanigans at CKLN to have a distinctly comical quality. The phrase "Will anyone notice" comes to mind.
BCE dodging benefits payments
Hey, business is business. BCE thinks so. So it's balking at paying the usual portion (1o percent) of the sale price of a company -- in this case CTV -- into national fund for program production. Toronto Sun.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
More use, more pay worries Netflix
Resistance grows to practice of making heavy Internet users pay more. National Post
Rogers on Demand dropped CTV temporarily
Rogers Communications Inc. temporarily dropped CTVglobemedia Inc. content from its on-demand cable service due to issues related to carriage negotiations, CTV and Rogers say.CTV content became unavailable on Rogers last fall, about the same time that BCE Inc. announced its intention to acquire CTV, but the two developments were unrelated, the companies say. The Wire Report.
CRTC petitioned to stop usage-based billing as Netflix doubts Canadian future

Canada’s national telecom regulator was formally asked to stop imposing a controversial usage-based Internet pricing regime, on the same day that Silicon Valley powerhouse Netflix Inc. expressed serious concerns about its future in Canada. “[usage-based billing] is something we’re definitely worried about,” Reed Hastings, chief executive of the web-based video streaming provider, was quoted by the Canadian Press as saying in a conference call on Wednesday; during which his company announced more than 20-million people now subscribe to Netflix. “It is potentially a significant negative for Netflix,” Mr. Hastings said.
Also on Wednesday, Vaxination Informatique, a consulting firm based in Montreal, Quebec, filed a petition requesting the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to repeal the first UBB decision, 2010-802. That ruling, passed last October, mandated the usage-based billing (UBB) model which requires Canadian Internet service providers (ISPs) to charge customers extra for exceeding monthly download “caps,” referring to arbitrarily established monthly download limits.
“At this time, [gateway access] service is still required to ensure there is competition in the retail ISP business and prevent formation of a duopoly,” reads an excerpt of the petition. “However, with the UBB tariffs, the Commission has moved in the opposite direction by granting incumbents full power to impose unified UBB rates on the market.”
Quebecor told to end exclusive access

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
BBC World Service makes deep cuts

Men absorb less information from sexy newscasters

Major U.S. papers launch online paid news service

Usage-based Internet CRTC ruling draws fire

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
For funerals too far, mourners gather on the web

It is no surprise that the deaths of celebrities, like Michael Jackson are promoted as international Web events. So, too, was the memorial service for the six people killed Jan. 8 in Tucson, which had thousands of viewers on the Web. But now the once-private funerals and memorials of less-noted citizens are also going online.
Several software companies have created easy-to-use programs to help funeral homes cater to bereaved families. FuneralOne a one-stop shop for online memorials that is based in St. Clair, Mich., has seen the number of funeral homes offering Webcasts increase to 1,053 in 2010, from 126 in 2008 (it also sells digital tribute DVDs).
During that same period, Event by Wire, a competitor in Half Moon Bay, Calif., watched the number of funeral homes live-streaming services jump to 300 from 80. And this month, the Service Corporation International in Houston, which owns 2,000 funeral homes and cemeteries, including the venerable Frank E. Campbell funeral chapel on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, said it was conducting a pilot Webcasting program at 16 of its funeral homes.
Traveling to funerals was once an important family rite, but with greater secularity and a mobile population increasingly disconnected from original hometowns, watching a funeral online can seem better than not going to a funeral at all. Social media, too, have redrawn the communal barriers of what is acceptable when relating to parents, siblings, friends and acquaintances.
“We are in a YouTube society now,” said H. Joseph Joachim IV, founder of FuneralOne. “People are living more than ever online, and this reflects that.”
Click on the title to read the full New York Times story.
New York hires a 'chief digital officer'

Monday, January 24, 2011
BBC shrinks online unit to cut costs and refocus

Russell Williams’ defence team objects to "lurid" courtroom tweets

“Law societies across the country have to come to grips with whether we need a new series of professional conduct rules to deal with this,” said Edelson, “and whether judges need some direction in when and how to deal with it.
“These are new media and they’re very popular and we have to address those issues in a very straightforward and transparent way so everyone knows what the ground rules are. It’s become a huge issue and I think it would be a fantastic thing for Canada to discuss it in a serious and comprehensive way.”
Click on the title to read the full story.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
CCTV is newsman''s best friend
Take a look at snow plow go through the roof of a parking garage. Posted at Trish's Store blog and linked on headline
Keith Olbermann leaves MSNBC; questions persist

Rupert Murdoch's iPad digital newspaper raises many questions – but who has the answers?

Click on the title to read the whole column.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Paul Berton muses: What will replace the newspaper?

Click on the title to read the full story.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Ontario Press Council partially dismisses complaints by ombudsman

To read more, including the full ruling, please click on the title.
UK prime minister's top media aide quits as tabloid phone hacking scandal hits

A reporter and a private investigator working for the News of the World were caught illegally eavesdropping on the phones of the British royal family's entourage in 2007. Coulson quit the paper when the pair were convicted, but says he knew nothing of the hacking. His resignation is a blow to Prime Minister David Cameron, who has resisted calls to fire Coulson despite the scandal.
CRTC seeks review of 'Money for Nothing' ban

"Given the exceptional nature of this situation, the Commission has asked the CBSC to appoint a panel with a national composition to review the complaints," CRTC Secretary General Robert Morin wrote in the letter sent to the Standards Council Chair Ronald Cohen and published online. In his request, Morin suggests the CBSC consider the age and origin of the 1985 Grammy-award winning pop hit, as well as its intended message.
In its decision, the panel said the unedited version of the song contravenes the human rights clauses of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters' Code of Ethics and Equitable Portrayal Code and should be banned from the airwaves.
Terrence Belford dead at 65

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Google visionary Page back in the CEO saddle
Google co-founder Larry Page will take over as Google CEO in April from Eric Schmidt, who will remain with the company as executive chairman.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
More old media to amuse and amaze
These are television commercials from the 60s and 70s in the U.K. Youtube has many in a series. More old media page.
UK plans network of local TV services
British Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt has announced plans for a network of local television services to be launched across the UK. Speaking at the Oxford Television Convention, he said the stations would need to be supported by a national digital channel - and he invited media organisations to suggest how it could be run. BBC
CBC demands removal of file footage from ads
Conservatives are rejecting a demand by the CBC to withdraw file footage from attack ads.
Hu can solve this mystery of Hu

CNN's fumblng "crosshairs" apology
"We were just having a discussion about the Chicago mayoral race," King told viewers. "My friend Andy Shaw…used the term 'in the crosshairs' in talking about the candidates out there. We're trying, we're trying to get away from that language. Andy is a good friend, he's covered politics for a long time, but we're trying to get away from using that kind of language. We won't always be perfect, so hold us accountable when we don't meet your standards."
Bell telemarketers aggressive, abusive: CRTC papers
Toronto Star fleshes out the circumstances of the recent $1.3 million fine against Bell.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
CRTC proposes easing ban on false,misleading news
False news -- what a great business. Sorry, just kidding. But the CRTC seems to feel it couldn't really hurt if you don't endanger someones life. But what about wrecking his marriage, destroying his business or making him a laughing stock at the golf club? False news. Is that the same as a mistake? Will anyone be able to tell after it's broadcast? Do you trust these guys?
Mirror wins 'success fee' ruling in Naomi case
The Daily Mirror’s right to freedom of expression was violated by a “success fee” it was forced to pay after losing a privacy case brought by Naomi Campbell after it published stories about her drug addiction, the European Court ruled today.
The European Court of Human Rights said the “success fee” Mirror Group Newspapers – publisher of the Mirror – was forced to pay after it lost the case was disproportionate
The European Court of Human Rights said the “success fee” Mirror Group Newspapers – publisher of the Mirror – was forced to pay after it lost the case was disproportionate
Monday, January 17, 2011
Keith Davey dead at 84
From an obit by Susan Delacourt linked off the headline: Keith Davey, the former senator and legendary Liberal organizer, died peacefully on Monday morning, surrounded by his family in Toronto. He was 84. Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff said Davey “will be remembered as a man who loved his party, loved his politics, loved his family and loved his country. His legacy inspires all those who serve Canada in politics and in Parliament.” Known as the “Rainmaker” for his formidable, winning political strategies, Davey came to national prominence in the early 1960s, when he arrived in Ottawa to help bring the Liberal party out of the opposition wilderness and back into government.
Jobs takes leave of absence for health reasons
"I have great confidence that (COO) Tim (Cook) and the rest of the executive management team will do a terrific job executing the exciting plans we have in place for 2011. I love Apple so much and hope to be back as soon as I can," Jobs wrote Monday. Apple shares dropped 6 percent in trading in Frankfurt following the announcement. Jobs' health has come into question before, creating large fluctuations in Apple shares. Cook has already managed the company on a day-to-day basis in Jobs' absence previously. Jobs had surgery for pancreatic cancer in 2004 and also underwent a liver transplant in June 2009. Further details in story linked off the headline
App this! Globe "unmasks" social media
The MSM paper of all Canadian publications strikes back. Link off the headline.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Astral billboards a are big moneymaker

Friday, January 14, 2011
Golden Globe awards hit by allegations of corruption
A nasty scandal begun by a former employee that the Hollywood Foreign Press Asociation peddles influence and sell votes for cash.
China vows crackdown on movie bootleggers
The rampant illegal exhibiting of movies on the Internet, originating in China, has brought another promise to "stamp out" the practice. Newly-released work is seen and heard all over the world from playback originating in China.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
CBC reports background of snow plow accused
In what certainly appears to be some breakthrough reporting in the killing of a Toronto police officer, the CBC has established much of the background of the accused. Among the facts produced in the linked story is that the accused, Richard Kachkar, 44, was educated in St Catharines and "owns a building on Geneva Street." The story here.
Fringe church trades funeral protest for Toronto radio airtime

FAN gets a new name

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Cogeco to 'vigorously' oppose Astral court challenge in radio sale

Battle over the accuracy of JFK series
Producers of a miniseries on JFK are insisting that their portrayal of the former president as a philanderer is accurate. The production, made in Canada, has been pressured off the air at the History Channel in the U.S. by Caroline Kennedy. But late word is that vetting of the script may yet permit it to play in the U.S. The series has the full okay to run in Canada. More from those great purveyors of gossip in the U.K. Mailonline. And an idea of the opposition mounted.
Apple, News Corp. to unveil iPad newspaper

Corus buys Oprah network, expects premium reaction
“We’re finding a reaction unlike anything we’ve ever seen before, because of the strength of the brand,” Corus chief executive officer John Cassaday told the Globe and Mail's Susan Krashinsky.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
BBC guilty of age discrimination

Toronto-filmed JFK miniseries to air in Canada

“Shaw Media is committed to the production of The Kennedys and will broadcast the production in Canada as planned, in spring 2011,” she said. Shaw operates Global TV and various specialty channels, such as HGTV, History Television and Food Network Canada. The U.S.-based History Channel axed the miniseries last week. The series "is not fit for the History brand,” a History representative told The Hollywood Reporter.
TSN considers starting own radio network to challenge The FAN

Monday, January 10, 2011
Kirstine Stewart named CBC vice-president

Did media hype destroy Canada’s Juniors?
Many feel there is too much pressure on Canada’s world junior hockey team. Some blame TSN for hyping the event, thereby causing undue expectations of teenagers. But TSN president Stewart Johnson plays down the charge. “Do we do too much?” he asked. “That’s a tough question. We just try to take a great international tournament with excellent hockey and a huge public interest and be a part of it.” -- Bruce Dowbiggin in the Globe and Mail.
Story links from the title.
Story links from the title.
Lysianne Gagnon on embedding journalists
Globe columnist Lysianna Gagnon questions the policy of embedding journalists with the military. Her column refers to the story by CP's Colin Perkel.
See below. Click on the title to read her full column.
See below. Click on the title to read her full column.
CP's Colin Perkel on the convoy in which Michelle Lang died

Click on the title to read the full story.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Canada's newspaper associations join forces

Saturday, January 8, 2011
Old media as outrageous as the new
Okay, so maybhe it doesn't bother you that every commericals these days stars a thoroughly stupid man. Maybe they deserve it. Maybe. Take a look at a few old media advertisements in which women are the simpled minded serfs. More are linked off the headline.
U.S. History Channel says it won’t air Kennedy miniseries

“We have concluded this dramatic interpretation is not a fit for the History brand,” the network said in a statement late Friday. The decision was first reported Friday by the Hollywood Reporter.
History said the decision was made after viewing the entire series, which stars Greg Kinnear and Katie Holmes as President John F. Kennedy and his wife, Jackie.
CSIS officers don't wear tuxedos to disarm missiles, The Toronto Star discovers

The Star wanted to know what CSIS thought of the new CBC comedy, InSecurity.
"It’s not CSIS’ place to review this new CBC comedy, though we will say that we take our role seriously in keeping Canadians safe,” Ms Scott added.
Click on the title to read the full story by Tonda MacCharles.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Porn TV station coming to Canada

“It’s not a porno channel — it’s not only that,” she said. “It’s all genres, like reality shows, cooking shows, lifestyle shows, but in a sexy way. It goes from soft-sexy to hard at night.”
The producer and TV personality launched the venture in Quebec last October and is promising to fill Vanessa TV with plenty of Canadian content. The company has already optioned a Toronto-based reality show about a pizza delivery boy who opens a porn studio in his parents' basement.
Teneycke to return to Sun TV News

Thursday, January 6, 2011
Laurence Cooke reportedly leaving Shaw Mobile

What to make of Service Alley?
It's a new repair emergency classified service offered by the Washington Post. Is it any different from a million other classified ad sections? The Post says it is. Service Alley is said to be an online marketplace of local home service providers that permits readers to keep record of their favorite contractors and discover new ones through searches and viewing other peoples’ favorites. That might work. People can login with Facebook which lets them view trusted recommendations from their friends.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Jury to ponder "N-word" double standard
Remarkable case in the U.S. where a job was lost because of the use of the N-word in the workplace in a staff discussion about the use of the word. It appears to have begun when a reporter said she had heard it hundreds of times at a meeting she was covering. The meeting dealt with the symbolic burial of the word by the Philadelphia Youth Council of the NAACP. She wanted to know if she could use it in the story. A white anchor apparently engaged in the discussion used the word and was subsequently fired. He's suing.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Peter Kent is new Environment Minister
Former reporter and television anchor Peter Kent has been appointed to the position of Minister of the Environment.
Man catches his own killer on camera
Monday, January 3, 2011
Roberts jumps to Fox, Tony Harris out too

Elmer Harris dead at 71

Marie-Linda Lord head of TV5 board
Postmedia Investors’ Teleconference January 6, 2011
After themarket closes, Paul Gpdfrey and others will discuss quarterly results.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
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Blog Archive
- Guiardian says investors restless over Murdoch woes
- Internet download limits slashed for many
- What's the Internet -- do you write to it?
- SCOC upholds restrictions on media in court
- Bookseller Borders to default on rent
- Without Internet, Egyptians find new ways to get o...
- Radio: Where politicians go to die
- Toronto man buys Marylin Monroe name
- How Egypt pulled its Internet plug
- CRTC yanks licence of Ryerson’s CKLN radio
- BCE dodging benefits payments
- More use, more pay worries Netflix
- Rogers on Demand dropped CTV temporarily
- CRTC petitioned to stop usage-based billing as Net...
- Quebecor told to end exclusive access
- BBC World Service makes deep cuts
- Men absorb less information from sexy newscasters
- Major U.S. papers launch online paid news service
- Usage-based Internet CRTC ruling draws fire
- For funerals too far, mourners gather on the web
- New York hires a 'chief digital officer'
- BBC shrinks online unit to cut costs and refocus
- Russell Williams’ defence team objects to "lurid" ...
- CCTV is newsman''s best friend
- Keith Olbermann leaves MSNBC; questions persist
- Rupert Murdoch's iPad digital newspaper raises man...
- Paul Berton muses: What will replace the newspaper?
- Ontario Press Council partially dismisses complain...
- UK prime minister's top media aide quits as tabloi...
- CRTC seeks review of 'Money for Nothing' ban
- Terrence Belford dead at 65
- Google visionary Page back in the CEO saddle
- Smitherman goes to old pols home
- More old media to amuse and amaze
- UK plans network of local TV services
- CBC demands removal of file footage from ads
- Hu can solve this mystery of Hu
- CNN's fumblng "crosshairs" apology
- Bell telemarketers aggressive, abusive: CRTC papers
- CRTC proposes easing ban on false,misleading news
- Mirror wins 'success fee' ruling in Naomi case
- Comcast wins approval to take over NBC Universal
- Regis Philbin calls it quits.
- Keith Davey dead at 84
- Jobs takes leave of absence for health reasons
- App this! Globe "unmasks" social media
- Astral billboards a are big moneymaker
- Golden Globe awards hit by allegations of corruption
- China vows crackdown on movie bootleggers
- Did CBSC go too far in gay slur case
- CBC reports background of snow plow accused
- Fringe church trades funeral protest for Toronto r...
- FAN gets a new name
- Cogeco to 'vigorously' oppose Astral court challen...
- Battle over the accuracy of JFK series
- Apple, News Corp. to unveil iPad newspaper
- Corus buys Oprah network, expects premium reaction
- BBC guilty of age discrimination
- Toronto-filmed JFK miniseries to air in Canada
- TSN considers starting own radio network to challe...
- Kirstine Stewart named CBC vice-president
- Did media hype destroy Canada’s Juniors?
- Lysianne Gagnon on embedding journalists
- CP's Colin Perkel on the convoy in which Michelle ...
- Now here's a story you can believe in
- Canada's newspaper associations join forces
- Old media as outrageous as the new
- U.S. History Channel says it won’t air Kennedy min...
- CSIS officers don't wear tuxedos to disarm missile...
- Porn TV station coming to Canada
- Teneycke to return to Sun TV News
- Flash Mob casting stunt
- Postmedia Q1 profit down, revenue steady
- Laurence Cooke reportedly leaving Shaw Mobile
- What to make of Service Alley?
- Jury to ponder "N-word" double standard
- Peter Kent is new Environment Minister
- Man catches his own killer on camera
- Roberts jumps to Fox, Tony Harris out too
- Elmer Harris dead at 71
- Marie-Linda Lord head of TV5 board
- Postmedia Investors’ Teleconference January 6, 2011
- Flaherty voted CP’s business newsmaker of 2010