Friday, October 1, 2010

Don Martin: Tories disagree with book too much to read it

The PMO is upset with the National Post's Don Martin's book but it appears that they have not actually read it.
Marin writes about the attacks on the book:

"What’s been missing in most of the commentary so far is anybody who’s actually READ the book. By reading it, I don’t mean a 45-minute, on-deadline skimming of the contents, although Mr. Martin, being wise to the scoop-starved ways of fellow journalists, issued a cheat sheet guiding media to the juicy bits.
Dimitris Soudas, the PMO director of communications, hasn’t received or read the book, but that small detail didn’t stop him from writing it off as a vendetta launched by a Liberal lapdog columnist, which will come as news to Jean Chretien, who wasn’t impressed with Mr. Martin’s two candid biographies on his Liberal political career."

To read his full column click on the title.

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